Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association

The Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association is an organization that represents teachers in publicly funded Roman Catholic schools in Ontario, Canada. It is an affiliated with the Ontario Teachers’ Federation, the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, and Education International. While the CTF in general is not affiliated with the Canadian Labour Congress, OECTA directly affiliates itself with it as well as the Ontario Federation of Labour.
OECTA has more than 45,000 members. Its mandate includes both the support of its members through the promotion of Catholic values, advocacy, collective bargaining, professional development & protection, and advocacy for the common good.
OECTA holds an annual meeting to elect officers, pass resolutions, and to amend its constitution, by-laws, policies, and procedures. The Provincial Executive meets on a monthly basis to administer the Association between annual meetings and to coordinate relations with the Ontario Teachers' Federation. A Council of Presidents representing all OECTA units meets three times per year to advise the Provincial Executive, approve the association's bargaining objectives, and set the association's budget.