Ontario PC Youth Association

The Ontario PC Youth Association is the youth association of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, Canada. The organization consists of Ontario Progressive Conservative Party activists between the ages of 14 and 28.


The Ontario PC Youth Association, founded in 1954, is governed by the OPCYA Executive, consisting of the President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, as well as Directors for Communications, Policy, Fundraising, Recruitment, High Schools, Secretary-Treasurer, and two appointed directors, all of whom report to the President. The OPCYA Executive is elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association, called at least every fourteen months.
There are also nine appointed Regional Vice-Presidents who serve on the OPCYA Organizational Committee and work under the 1st Vice-President.
There is also a possibility of having District Associations, whose chairs sit on the provincial Executive. Boundaries are set by the Executive. Riding-level PC youth associations have executives usually consist of the President, Vice President, Social Director, and Secretary-Treasurer.
The OPCYA coordinates with the Ontario PC Campus Association, which is the body responsible for conservative student clubs at Ontario universities.
At the 2019 Annual General Meeting, the two associations passed a referendum with 93% of delegate support to merge. As of November 2019, pending constitution ratification, the associations will merge into the Ontario Young Progressive Conservatives.


As of July 6, 2019, the following individuals have been elected to serve as OPCYA's Executive.
The OPCYA is subdivided into nine regions, with an appointed Regional Vice-President responsible for coordinating local efforts.

Regional Vice-Presidents

The Conservative Party of Canada is distinct in name and structure from the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party, however youth activism from the OPCYA has demonstrated that youth support both parties. The Ontario PC Youth Association has shown that they support right wing candidates at the federal, provincial and municipal levels alike, although only officially recognized by the Ontario PC Party. The OPCYA 2nd Vice President is responsible for federal relations.


A number of former members and executives of the Ontario PC Youth Organization have gone on to hold elected office. A selection of prominent former members is listed below. This is not a comprehensive list.
2019 - Alex Corelli
2018 — Carl Qiu
2016 — Kinsey Schurm
2015 — Zack Goldford
2013 — Alanna Newman
2012 — Clare Schulte-Albert
2011 — Grant Dingwall
2010 — Beth Corbett
2009 — Brayden Akers
2008 — Andrew Brander
2007 — Michael Wilson
2005 — Leslie Morrison
2003 — Patrick Harris
2001 — Dave Forestell
1996 — Walied Soliman
1992 — Mike Heenan
1991 — Joe Kondrat
1990 — John Capobianco
1988 — John Baird
1986 — Allan Williams
1982 — Ken Zeise
1980 — John Polak
1978 — Bruce MacLellan
1976 — Scott McDougall
1974 — John Tory
1970 — Sean O’Sullivan