Ooencyrtus marcelloi
Ooencyrtus marcelloi is a parasitic wasp belonging to the family Encyrtidae. The species was first discovered in 2008 in a tropical lowland rainforest in the Soberanía National Park around Gamboa, Panama. The scientific name was first published in 2010. It also appears to be the first record of the genus Ooencyrtus in Panama.
Female length 0.9 mm; male length 0.7-0.8 mm. The hosts of this parasitic wasp are eggs of Heliconiini butterflies. Parasitized eggs were found on passion vines: Passiflora auriculata, Passiflora biflora, Passiflora coriacea and Passiflora vitifolia. From one butterfly egg, a single wasp emerges.