Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS)

Open Technologies Alliance is a Greek non-profit organization founded on February 28, 2008 by . GFOSS was created to "further the cause of Free, Open Source Software and Openness". 36 universities and research centers are shareholders of GFOSS.


  1. Greek Research and Technology Network
  2. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  3. National Documentation Centre
  4. National Technical University of Athens
  5. Athens University of Economics and Business
  6. National Centre of Scientific Research "Demokritos"
  7. University of Western Attica
  8. University of the Aegean
  9. University of Macedonia
  10. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  11. University of Patras
  12. University of Peloponnese
  13. University of Crete
  14. Technical University of Crete
  15. Hellenic Linux User Group
  16. University of Ioannina
  17. Hellenic Open University
  18. Harokopio University
  19. University of Piraeus
  20. International Hellenic University
  21. University of Western Macedonia
  22. University of Cyprus
  23. University of Thessaly
  24. Open University of Cyprus

    Members of the Board of Directors of GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance 2015–2019
