Oppo Digital

OPPO Digital is an independently operated overseas division of Chinese company BBK Electronics, sharing the brand name OPPO with OPPO Electronics, also owned by BBK. Founded in 2004, it is based in Menlo Park, California, U.S. and conducts all of its sales online. OPPO Digital designs and markets audio and video equipment, including Blu-ray Disc players and personal audio products such as headphones and headphone amplifiers, mainly targeting markets in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, United States, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and India.
In 2018, Oppo Digital announced they were stopping production and development of new products starting on April 2, but would continue to support existing ones and sell products online until stock runs out.


In 2007 and 2008, Oppo introduced the DV-980H and DV-984H, DVD-to-1080p upconversion, multi-format players.
In 2009, Oppo introduced a "universal" Blu-Ray player, BDP-83, compatible with DVD, DVD-audio and SACD formats. The unit included a video decoder from MediaTek and a video processing chip from Anchor Bay Technologies.
In 2018, Oppo discontinued production of all Blu-Ray players, due to what they felt was a shrinking market for physical media players in the face of online channels and streaming. At this point, their models are only available as used, for prices much higher than their original retail.

DVD players

After entering the personal audio market in 2014, PM-1 headphones and HA-2 portable headphone amplifier/DAC have both received prestigious EISA "Best Product" awards.