Orders, decorations, and medals of Kedah

The following is the orders, decorations, and medals given by Sultan of Kedah. When applicable, post-nominal letters and non-hereditary titles are indicated.

Order of precedence for the wearing of order insignias, decorations, and medals


Orders, decorations, and medals

State of Kedah Star of Valour - Bintang Keberanian Negeri Kedah
The Most Illustrious Royal Family Order of Kedah - Darjah Kerabat Yang Amat Mulia Kedah
The Most Illustrious Halimi Family Order of Kedah - Darjah Kerabat Halimi Yang Amat Mulia Kedah
The Kedah Supreme Order of Merit - Darjah Utama Untuk Jasa Kedah
The Most Esteemed Supreme Order of Sri Mahawangsa - Darjah Utama Sri Mahawangsa Yang Amat Dihormati
State of Kedah Star of Gallantry - Bintang Perkasa Negeri Kedah
The Exalted Order of the Crown of Kedah - Darjah Yang Maha Mulia Sri Mahkota Kedah
The Illustrious Order of Loyalty to the Royal House of Kedah - Darjah Yang Mulia Setia Diraja
The Illustrious Order of Loyalty to Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah - Darjah Yang Mulia Sri Setia Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah
The Glorious Order of the Crown of Kedah - Darjah Kebesaran Gemilang Sri Mahkota Kedah
State of Kedah Gallantry Medal - Pingat Untuk Perkasa Negeri Kedah
Sultan Badlishah Medal for Faithful and Loyal Service - Pingat Sultan Badlishah Kerana Taat Setia
State of Kedah Distinguished Service Star - Bintang Perkhidmatan Yang Berbakti Negeri Kedah
Although engraved "Kedah, For Distinguished Service" this decoration is also called Bintang Perkhidmatan Cemerlang or the Excellent Service Star.
Justice of the Peace of Kedah - Jaksa Pendamai Kedah
State of Kedah Distinguished Service Medal - Pingat Perkhidmatan Yang Berbakti Negeri Kedah
Although engraved "Kedah, For Distinguished Service" this decoration is also called Pingat Perkhidmatan Cemerlang or the Excellent Service Medal.
Public Service Star - Bintang Kebaktian Masyarakat
Meritorious Service Medal - Pingat Perkhidmatan Yang Jasa Kebaktian
Jerai Star for Vigour - Bintang Semangat Jerai
Jerai Medal for Excellent Vigour - Pingat Cemerlang Semangat Jerai
Long Service and Good Conduct Star - Bintang Untuk Perkhidmatan Lama dan Kelakuan Baik
Kedah Police Medal - Pingat Perkhidmatan Lama Polis
Faithful Service Medal - Pingat Untuk Pekerjaan Taat Setia
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal - Pingat Untuk Perkhidmatan Lama dan Kelakuan Baik
Installation Medal 1943 - Pingat Pertabalan Negeri Kedah 1943
Installation Medal 1959 - Pingat Pertabalan Negeri Kedah 1959
Silver Jubilee Remembrance Medal - Pingat Peringatan Jubli Perak
Gold Jubilee Remembrance Medal - Pingat Peringatan Jubli Mas
Decorations in bold letters are orders ; Decorations in usual style are stars and medals