Original righteousness

Original righteousness is a concept in Roman Catholic theology relating to the Edenic state of sinlessness. According to this doctrine, Adam and Eve were created without sin, and this original righteousness meant that a number of conditions that are now "natural" did not apply. Humans were, in such a state, united with their essence, and therefore their forms were, as their spirits, untainted. The Adamic man was immortal, experienced no excess of desire, and had neither obesity nor starvation.
The concept of original righteousness shows up throughout discussions of the lost Eden in Western literature. The twentieth-century poet Gerard Manley Hopkins's poetry consistently addresses the implications of "natural" and "nature" falling with man's sin. The fall of man is, in this theological scheme, a fall of nature as well, and man's own sin causes it to contain evil. Additionally, the loss of original righteousness is important to both concepts of what the essence of man is, the nature of the resurrection of the dead into perfected flesh at the last judgment, and the nature of the forcefulness of grace.
Few churches disagree with the fundamentals of the concept of original righteousness, but the exact nature of the human in a state of original righteousness is rejected or amplified by some denominations. Some of those who deny the Augustinian doctrine of the transmission of original sin hold that infants are in pure righteousness; although this view is not widespread, it has been used in discussions of infant baptism.