Orlando Llenza

Major General Orlando Llenza is the second Puerto Rican to reach the rank of Major General in the United States Air Force. Llenza served as commander of the Puerto Rico Air National Guard.

Early years

Llenza was born to Maria Isabel Lopez and Harry B. Llenza in San Juan the capital of Puerto Rico, where he received his primary and secondary education. In 1947, he graduated from Central High School and applied for admission at Georgia Institute of Technology. In 1951 he earned his bachelor's degree in Architecture and a commission as 2st lieutenant thru the Air Force ROTC program.

Military career

Llenza began his military career as an enlisted airmen in the United States Air Force Reserve in 1946 and in 1951 joined the regular United States Air Force as a 2nd lieutenant assigned to Reese Air Force Base in Lubbock County, Texas. Attended USAF Undergraduate Pilot Training, the Air War College, and Air Command and Staff College in Maxwell Air Force Base, among others.

Korean War

During the Korean War, Llenza flew as a pilot in the 9th Air Refueling Squadron. During his career he flew the T-6 Texan, B-25 Mitchell, Boeing KB-29M tanker, KC-97 Stratofreighter tanker, T-33 Shooting Star Shooting Star, F-86 Sabre D, E, F and H models, F-104 Starfighter, and the C-47 Skytrain, C-54 Skymaster, C-131 Samaritan transports.

Adjutant General of P.R. National Guard

After Llenza retired from active duty he was named Adjutant General of the Puerto Rico National Guard by Governor Carlos Romero Barceló, a position which he held from 1977 to 1983. Llenza became the mission director in Ecuador for US AID from 1983-1986. As a civilian he was a successful architect with Llenza & Llenza.
Llenza is also the recipient of many awards, including the U.S. Distinguished Service Medal and the National Order of Merit-Ecuador. The now-retired General Llenza is the Chairman of the American Veterans' Committee for Puerto Rico Self-Determination. Llenza is a member of the Board of Directors of the United States Council for Puerto Rico Statehood.

Awards and decorations

Among Llenza's decorations and medals were the following:
Foreign award
National Order of Merit-Ecuador