Besides her academic work, Sade, advises financial institutions and companies in the fields of finance, debt offerings, and tenders. Since 2017 Sade is a Director at "Clal Insurance company". In the past, Sade worked in the Banking Supervision Department of the Bank of Israel and was a member of the advisory board of the Israeli Ministry of Finance as well as the board of directors of the Israeli Securities Authority. Sade also served as a member of the investment committee for the “Hadassah” pension fund and the Investment Committee of the Hebrew University Workers Fund. Sade was a member of the board of directors of the Hebrew University provident fund and an outside director at Sigma Mutual Funds.
Sade's main fields of research are behavioral and experimental finance, financial auctions and market microstructures, the design of financial markets as well as Crowdfunding. Sade's research is published in scientific Journals and presented at conferences worldwide. Sade received academic grants and awards including multiple grants from the Israel Science Foundation as well as the Abe Gray awards from the President of the Hebrew University. Sade has conducted research into pensions and found that people with less financial knowledge are less likely to take advantage of their available options. She's also found that people with good finances check their financial options more often than those with poor finances, who tends to "bury their heads in the sand."
Main Publications
Hurwitz, A., Sade, O. & Winter, E. Can Mandatory Minimum Annuity Laws Have Unintended Consequences? An Experimental Study. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 169, pp. 208-222.
Hurwitz, A. & Sade, O. An Investigation of Time Preferences, Life Expectancy and Annuity versus Lump-Sum Choices – Can Smoking Harm Long-Term Saving Decisions? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, online edition.
Gafni, Marom & Sade. Are the Life and Death of an Early Stage Venture Indeed in the Power of the Tongue? Lessons from Online Crowdfunding Pitches. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2018, pp. 1-21.
Mugerman, Sade, & Shayo.. Long term saving decisions: financial reform, peer effects and ethnicity. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 106, 235-253
Camargo, Schnitzlein, Zender, & Sade.. On the persistence of overconfidence: evidence from multi- unit auctions. journal of behavioral finance.
Brenner, Galai & Sade.. Sovereign debt auctions: uniform or discriminatory? Journal of monetary economics, 56, 267-274.
Galili & Sade.. "The ostrich effect" and the relationship between the liquidity and the yields of financial assets. The journal of business, 79.
Schnitzlein, Zender & Sade.. When less is more : asymmetric bidding capacities in feasible good auctions. The review of finance, 10, 389-416.
Schnitzlein, Zender & Sade.. Competition and cooperation in feasible good auctions: an experimental examination. The review of financial studies, 19, 195-235.
Crowley & Sade.. Does the option to cancel an order in a double auction market matter? The economics letters, 83, 89-97.
Brenner, Galili & Sade.. A Note on Sovereign Debt Auctions: Uniform or discriminatory? In R. W. Kolb, J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., Sovereign Debt: From Safety to Default. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Brenner, M., Galai, D. & Sade, O. Uniform or Discriminatory Auctions: Endogenizing Bidder’s Choice in Divisible Good Auctions In Behavioral Finance: Where do Investors Biases Come From"? edited by Itzhak Venezia.
Zur, E. & Sade, O.. Baseball and the art of fair value: Do managers or the prediction markets make better predictions? In I. Venezia & Z. Wiener., Bridging the GAAP: Recent advanced in finance and accounting. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
Sade co-authored a children book that teaches young people some of the basics of economics: • Sade, O. & Neurborne, E.. How Ella Grew An Electric Guitar. New York: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform