Oskar Peterlini
Oskar Peterlini, Lecturer at the Free University of Bozen Bolzano, is a Representative of the German-speaking South Tyrolean Minority in South Tyrol, Italy. He was a member of the Italian Senate in the Italian Parliament from 2001 to 2013, Member of the Regional Parliament of Trentino South Tyrol from 1978 to 1998 and its president from 1988–1998. He was also President of the district of the South Tyrolean Unterland of the South Tyrolean People's Party from 2001 to 2010.
Peterlini was born on 19 September 1950 in Bolzano South Tyrol and lives today in the village of Bronzolo. He studied Economics at the Universities of Modena and Innsbruck, and graduated in Business Management at the University of Venice "Ca' Foscari", and specialized in Portfolio Management at the New York New York Institute of Finance. Recently he was awarded the Doctor in Social and economic science at the Faculty of Political science and Social sciences of the University of Innsbruck. He achieved his PhD with a Thesis about the Italian Constitutional reform and its impact on the special autonomies and with a research project about the electoral systems and their effect on linguistic minorities.The brother of Oskar Peterlini is the journalist Hans Karl Peterlini. Oskar has four children.
Peterlini was from 1972 to 1979, first secretary then leader of the youth movement Junge Generation of the Südtiroler Volkspartei. He was elected 1978 as youngest member to the Regional Parliament of Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol and the Provincial Parliament Lantag of South Tyrol. Peterlini was a member of the regional Parliament from 1978 till 1998 and served as its president from 1988 to 1998. He was chairman of the Budget and Economic Legislative Committee from 1983 to 1993. Among his achievements were an innovative law for the youth, one for family support and the first Italian law for animal protection. His most important work was the creation of a complementary pension system called Pens Plan for inhabitants of the Trentino South-Tyrol Region, whose activities he developed and coordinated starting from 1989.In 2001 he was elected to the Italian Senate as representative of the Südtiroler Volkspartei in an electoral cooperation with the Ulivo party. He was re-elected in 2006 in cooperation with Romano Prodis coalition and 2008 in cooperation with the Partito Democratico, which itself is a successor party to the Ulivo and the Unione of Prodi parties: 2001, 2006 and 2008.
He has been the President of the parliamentary group "Per le Autonomie" from 2006 to 2008. From 2001 to 2006 he has been member of the presidency of the legislative Committee for Welfare, from 2008 to 2013 also for School and Culture, and from 2006 to 2013 a member of the Committee for Constitutional Affairs of the Italian Senate. He is member of the parliamentary delegation of the Central European Initiative and President of its Cultural Commission.
Important Achievements
Oskar Peterlini is the projector of the complementary pension system in the Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol region named Pensplan. In a collaboration between the region, unions and management he initiated the Pensplan system, which includes the service company of the Region called Centrum Pensplan, the pension founds Laborfonds and Plurifonds and the fund management company Pensplan Invest.Publications
Peterlini is the author of several books and publications relating to the Italian Constitution, the Special Statute of the Autonomous Region of Trentino South-Tyrol, about Federalism, Electoral Systems and about the New Complementary Pension System in Italy and in the Trentino South-Tyrol Region.Links for reading and downloads
- Books and publications by Oskar Peterlini in Bibliothekskatalog: http://www.tessmann.it/
Federalism, autonomy
- Italien und Österreich vor der UNO: Dokumente und Originalzitate zur friedlichen Beilegung eines langwierigen Streites, in Raffeiner, A. : 25 Jahre Streitbeilegung 1992-2017 - Ist das "Südtirolproblem" gelöst?! Dr.-Kovač-Verlag, Hamburg 2018,,.
- Italien – Aufbruch zur Mehrheitsdemokratie? Verfassungsreformen, Wahlgesetze und Verfassungsgerichtsurteile, Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen ZParl, 4/ 2017, Ed: Deutsche Vereinigung für Parlamentsfragen, Berlin..
- Foundations and Institutions of South-Tyrol’s Autonomy in Italy, in Ghai, Y./ Woodman, S. : Practising Self-Government: a comparative study of autonomous regions. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2013..
- Südtirols Autonomie und die Verfassungsreformen Italiens, Vom Zentralstaat zu föderalen Ansätzen: die Auswirkungen und ungeschriebenen Änderungen im Südtiroler Autonomiestatut Wien 2012..
- Come riformare la costituzione e i diritti. Considerazioni, disegni di legge e mozioni per una società più equa Prokopp & Hechensteiner, St. Pauls/Eppan 2012..
- Instruments for Direct Democracy in Italy/Strumenti di democrazia diretta in Italia, in Acts of Conference: Participatory Democracy and social Development, Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, Campus Brixen, Italy, 6.-8. September 2012, International Conference of ICSD European Branch and Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, Prokopp & Hechensteiner, St. Pauls Bozen 2012..
- Steuerföderalismus in Italien, Spannungsfeld zwischen Verfassungszielen und Sparmaßnahmen, zwischen Nord und Süd, Prokopp & Hechensteiner, St. Pauls Bozen 2012..
- The Structure of the State – an Instrument of Peace? The South Tyrol Minority as an Example. L’assetto dello Stato – uno strumento di pace? L’esempio della minoranza sudtirolese, 26 – 28 April 2012 in Bolzano Bozen, Introductory speech by the President of the General Committee on Cultural Affairs of the CEI-Parliamentary Dimension, Sen. Oskar Peterlini, Chairperson of the Conference: Autonomy, Protection of National Minorities and Cultural Heritage as Tools for Peace, Conference proceedings, Bolzano-Bozen, Palace of the Autonomous Province, 26 – 28 April 2012. Prokopp & Hechensteiner, San Paolo 2012..
- L’autonomia – strumento di pace, in Provenzano, F.M.: Federalismo, Devolution, Secessione – La storia continua. Ritorno al futuro, Editore Pellegrini Cosenza, 2011.. *
- Imparare dalla storia per costruire la pace, Introduzione e cenni storici, in Scagnetti, G. : Accadde al confine: storie di Giovanni Postal e Udo Grobar, La Feltrinelli Milano 2011.. *
- L’autonomia che cambia, in Italian, The effects of the constitutional reform of 2001 on the Special Autonomy of South Tyrol an Trentino, Casa editrice Praxis 3 Bolzano 2010.. *
- Föderalismus und Autonomien in Italien, Federalismo e Autonomie in Italia, in German and Italian with English summary, The effects of federal development in Italy on special autonomy, and especially on the Statute of the Trentino Alto Adige Südtirol,, PhD Thesis, Leopold Franzens University, Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, Innsbruck 2010. *
- Secessione, riforma costituzionale, Senato federale, devolution, federalismo fiscale e sicurezza, in Provenzano, F.M.: Dall’interno della Lega – Testi e documenti per conoscere tutto della Lega Nord, Presse libre Italia, stampa Lito Terrazzi Cascine del Riccio, Firenze 2010.. *
- Mit Herz und Seele für Österreich und Südtirol, Mit Klecatsky durch Erlebnisse und Geschichte, Recht und Politik,, in: Raffeiner, A./ Matscher, F./ Pernthaler, P.: Ein Leben für Recht und Gerechtigkeit, FS für Hans Richard Klecatsky zum 90.Geburtstag, Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Wien 2010.. *
- The South-Tyrol Autonomy in Italy, Historical, Political and Legal Aspects. In: Oliveira J./Cardinal P. : One Country, Two Systems, Three Legal Orders – Perspectives of Evolution, Springer., ISBN 978-3-540-68572- 2, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-68572-2, Libri 8094160:https://web.archive.org/web/20110727201852/http://www.libri.de/shop/action/productDetails/7754349/one_country_two_systems_three_legal_orders_perspectives_of_evolution_3540685715.html
- Südtirols Vertretung am Faden Roms, Die Auswirkungen von Wahlsystemen auf ethnische Minderheiten am Beispiel Südtirols in Rom von 1921–2013, in: Hilpold P. : Minderheitenschutz in Italien, Reihe Ethnos 70, Braumüller Wien.. https://web.archive.org/web/20110531202348/http://www.braumueller.at/shop/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=2011&osCsid=0a7b761a39feaa42eef7e27efe5636f8
- Südtirols Vertretung in Rom Die Auswirkungen von Wahlsystemen auf ethnische Minderheiten, Europa Ethnica 3/4, S. 97–106, Braumüller, Wien 2008, ISSN 0014-2492:;http://www.europaethnica.at/http://www.svpartei.org/de/presse/mitteilungen/20081121|266.html
- Die Föderalismusentwicklung in Italien und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Sonderautonomien, Zeitschrift für Öffentliches Recht, Springer Wien 2008. DOI 10.1007/S00708-008-0209-6, ISSN 0948-4396 1613–7663 :https://web.archive.org/web/20110607052551/http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/klu/708/2008/00000063/00000002/00000209?crawler=true. * .
- Evoluzione in senso federale e riforma costituzionale in Italia it, FÖDOK 27, Institut für Föderalismus, Innsbruck 2008. :;http://www.foederalismus.at/contentit25/uploads/362.pdfhttp://www.foederalismus.at/neu/foed_dok.php. *
- Föderalistische Entwicklung und Verfassungsreform in Italien, de FÖDOK 25, Institut für Föderalismus, Innsbruck 2007. :;http://www.svpartei.org/de/presse/mitteilungen/20080912|105.htmlhttp://www.foederalismus.at/contentit25/uploads/310.pdf. *
- Autonomie und Minderheitenschutz in Südtirol und im Trentino, Region Trentino-Südtirol, Bozen-Trient 1996,,. Neuausgabe: Braumüller, Wien 1997,. Neuauflage: Region Trentino-Südtirol, Bozen-Trient 2000, :;https://openlibrary.org/b/OL287974M; http://www.parlament.gv.at/PG/PR/JAHR_1997/PK0330/PK0330.shtml; http://www.buchfreund.de/productListing.php?used=1&productId=39243152
- Autonomy and the Protection of Ethnic Minorities in Trentino-South Tyrol – An Overview of the History, Law and Politics, Braumüller, Wien 1997, :http://www.braumueller.at/shop/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=1363&osCsid=dadc1cf26518da5f8899e1cf678e850d
- Autonomia e tutela delle minoranze nel Trentino-Alto Adige, Consiglio della Regione Autonoma del Trentino Alto Adige, Bolzano Trento 1996,. Neuauflage 2000, :http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?searchurl=y=9&bi=881352774
- Aspetti e problemi dello Statuto di Autonomia, in: "La storia dell‘Alto Adige", Istituto Magistrale Italiano, Bolzano 1980. New edition 1989.
- Il Sudtirolo, una prova d'esame per l'Europa / Südtirol – ein Prüfstein für Europa,, in Demarchi, F. : Minoranze linguistiche fra storia e politica / Sprachliche Minderheiten zwischen Geschichte und Politik, Gruppo Culturale CIVIS, Biblioteca Cappuccini, CIVIS.Studi e Testi, Supplemento 4/1988, Trento, pp. 113–144.
- Der ethnische Proporz in Südtirol'', Athesia, Bozen 1980. :http://www.buchfreund.de/productListing.php?used=1&productId=29724762
Electoral systems
- Minderheitenschutz und Wahlsysteme, Die Spielregeln von Wahlsystemen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Sprachminderheiten - Südtirol und europäische Minderheiten im Blickfeld, New Academic Press Wien 2012..
- Mehrheitswahlrecht contra Proporz, Die Senatswahlkreise in Südtirol 1988 – 2012, Prokopp & Hechensteiner, St. Pauls Bozen 2012..
- Funzionamento dei sistemi elettorali e minoranze linguistiche, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2012.. *
- Sistemi elettorali e minoranze linguistiche, Wahlsysteme und Sprachminderheiten, in German and Italian, The impact of electoral systems on minority representation in Parliament following the example of linguistic minorities in South Tyrol Südtirol, research projects at the Faculty of Political Science at the Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck 2010. *
- Südtirols Vertretung am Faden Roms, Die Auswirkungen von Wahlsystemen auf ethnische Minderheiten am Beispiel Südtirols in Rom von 1921–2013, in: Hilpold P. : Minderheitenschutz in Italien, Reihe Ethnos 70, Braumüller Wien. :
- Südtirols Vertretung in Rom Die Auswirkungen von Wahlsystemen auf ethnische Minderheiten, Europa Ethnica 3/4, S. 97–106, Braumüller, Wien 2008, ISSN 0014-2492:;
Social security and pension funds
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- Assicurarsi il futuro, Zukunft sichern Centrum PensPlan,, Bolzano 1998.
- Das Familienpaket, ''Il pacchetto famiglia Casse Rurali dell'Alto Adige, Bolzano, 3 parts, 1992 and 1993.
- Die totale Privatisierung. Ein gescheiterter Wahn/ La privatizzazione totale. Una pazzia fallita, Vortrag/ relazione, Autonome Gewerkschaftsorganisation der Gebietskörperschaften/ Organizzazione Sindacale Autonoma degli enti locali AGO, 4. Landeskongress zum Thema: Öffentlicher Dienst im Würgegriff der Privatisierung/ 4. Congresso provinciale sul tema: Servizi pubblici nella morsa della privatizzazione 9.4. 2010, Bozen. Prokopp & Hechensteiner, St. Pauls Bozen 2012..
- Relazioni al bilancio provinciale , annuali, come Presidente della Commissione Bilancio, Finanze ed Economia del Consiglio provinciale dell'Alto Adige, dal 1984 al 1994.
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- Quantitativer und qualitativer Bedarf an Arbeitskräften im öffentlichen Dienst in Südtirol, University of Innsbruck, Thesis, 1979.
- Ein Visionär der alten Schule, in Benedikter, T.: Den Grundsätzen treu geblieben, Alfons Benedikters Wirken für Südtirol im Spiegel der Erinnerung, Prokopp & Hechensteiner KG St. Pauls Bolzano 2012..