Ostrauer Volksblatt

Ostrauer Volksblatt, later renamed Der Kampf, was a German-language socialist newspaper published in Austria-Hungary, later Czechoslovakia. It was founded as a weekly newspaper by the Social Democratic Association in Moravská Ostrava.
The paper was printed by Verlag Wilhelm Niessner in Brünn, and from 1917 it was printed by Verlag Josef Herrman in Moravská Ostrava. In 1919 it became a regional organ of the German Social Democratic Workers Party in the Czechoslovak Republic.
In March 1921 it was converted into a daily newspaper, renamed Der Kampf, now a regional organ of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia for Moravia and Silesia and printed from Brno. After a year, the newspaper moved to Liberec. The publication was discontinued in 1922.