Otoni de Paula

Otoni Moura de Paula Júnior is a Brazilian politician and pastor. Hae has spent his political career representing Rio de Janeiro, having served as federal deputy representative since 2019.

Personal life

He is the son of politician and social worker also named Otoni de Paula. de Paula is also the nephew of the evangelical singer Ozéias de Paula who was part of the gospel duo Otoniel & Ozie, composed of him and Feliciano Amaral. He, his father, and his uncle are all pastors and singers of the Assembleias de Deus church.

Political career

From 2017 to 2019 de Paula served as a Vereador or councilman for the city of Rio de Janeiro. In June 2018 he led an impeachment attempt on mayor Marcelo Crivella. Although both evangelical politicians with socially conservative views, de Paula claimed that Crivella was privileging the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God and trying to convert Rio de Janeiro to that denomination.
In the 2018 election de Paula was in the top ten most voted candidate in the state of Rio de Janeiro, being elected to the federal chamber of deputies. His father also ran in the elections under the banner of the Solidariedade party, but was not elected.
In July 2019 de Paula announced that he was running as a candidate for the PSC in the 2020 Rio de Janeiro mayoral election.
He's being investigated at the case of "Hate Office", and spent public money to finance fake news