Ottoman Empire–United States relations

After 1780, the United States began relations with North African countries and with the Ottoman Empire.

History of relations

On May 4, 1802 President of the United States Thomas Jefferson designated a consul to serve in Smyrna, a Pennsylvania man named William Stewart. Syed Tanvir Wasti wrote in "Ahmed Rüstem Bey and the End of an Era" that "it appears that the Porte did not give official agreement to this position and it was never formalized."
In the early 1800s, the US fought the Barbary Wars against the Barbary states, which were under Ottoman suzerainty.
In 1831 the U.S. sent its first formally approved envoy to the Ottoman Empire, David Porter. The empire and the U.S. at that point had their representatives at the "Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary" level. Sinan Kuneralp, author of "Ottoman Diplomatic and Consular Personnel in the United States of America, 1867–1917," wrote that the empire initially apparently lacked "any sensible justification" to open a mission stateside due to the relative distance between the countries. Wasti wrote that "there was no real rush on the Ottoman side to send diplomatic envoys to Washington, DC".
The first official Ottoman government visit to the U.S., lasting for six months in 1850, was that of Emin Bey, who toured shipyards there. Two Ottoman officials, one being Edouard Blak Bey, who sensed the rise of the United States, unsuccessfully advocated for installing a mission in the U.S. during the early 1850s. The first Ottoman honorary consulate in the U.S. opened in May 1858.
In 1866 Ottoman foreign minister Mehmed Emin Âli Pasha declined to start a legation to the U.S. that year, after reviewing a proposal by Ambassador to France of the Ottoman Empire Safvet Pasha. However the ministry changed its mind after the leaders there perceived the reports of the Cretan revolt from the US consul W.J. Stillman and other American reports to be misleading and decided they needed to present a counter-view. The empire sent its first permanent envoy to the U.S. in 1867, creating the Ottoman Legation in Washington, DC. Since the empire itself began establishing its diplomatic missions in the 1830s and due to the about three decade gap between the respective legations being established, Kuneralp wrote that the Ottomans created their U.S. mission "comparatively late".
Blak was the first envoy to Washington. Kuneralp wrote that the Washington posting was not considered important to the Ottoman government, which is why some officials refused the posting and those considered promising were turned away from it. He cited the cases of then-minister to Florence Rüstem Bey and Osman Nizami Pasha, who declined in 1867 and 1912, respectively. Nine envoys headed the legation beginning in 1877 and prior to full embassy status, and there were a total of 13 envoys/ambassadors in the position.
Mustafa Shekib Bey, in 1904, recommended that the Ottomans appoint Levantine Armand Guys as the first commercial attaché, arguing that commercial relations had increased.
In 1906 U.S. upgraded its representatation in Constantinople to the embassy level.
The most important aspect of American diplomacy in the late 19th century, down to 1914, involved protection of the hundreds of American Protestant missionaries to the Ottoman Empire.

Armenian issues

disliked it when the Americans pleaded for help for Armenians. As a result, he terminated the credentials of envoy Mustafa Shekib, and chose not to upgrade the mission to embassy status. Shekib therefore was unable to present his credentials to the President. Shekib slept in the daytime, and so his staff dealt with U.S. officials. Kuneralp stated that therefore "Things were eased out".

Moro rebellion in the Philippines

In 1899, John Hay, the American Secretary of State, asked the Jewish American ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Oscar Straus to request Sultan Abdul Hamid II to write a letter to the Moro Sulu Muslims of the Sulu Sultanate in the Philippines telling them to submit to American suzerainty and American military rule. The Sultan obliged and wrote the letter, which was sent to Sulu via Mecca; two Sulu chiefs delivered it to Sulu and it was successful since the "Sulu Mohammedans... refused to join the insurrectionists and had placed themselves under the control of our army, thereby recognizing American sovereignty."
Abdul Hamid used his position as to order the Sulu Sultan not to resist and not fight the invading Americans. President McKinley did not mention the Ottoman role in the pacification of the Sulu Moros in his address to the first session of the 56th Congress in December 1899 since the agreement with the Sultan of Sulu was not submitted to the Senate until December 18. Despite Sulu's "pan-Islamic" ideology, he readily acceded to Straus' request to avoid hostilities between the West and Muslims. The Sulu sultan was persuaded by the Ottoman Sultan.
John P. Finley wrote that,
"After due consideration of these facts, the Sultan, as Caliph caused a message to be sent to the Mohammedans of the Philippine Islands forbidding them to enter into any hostilities against the Americans, inasmuch as no interference with their religion would be allowed under American rule. As the Moros have never asked more than that, it is not surprising, that they refused all overtures made, by Aguinaldo's agents, at the time of the Filipino insurrection. President McKinley sent a personal letter of thanks to Mr. Straus for the excellent work he had done, and said, its accomplishment had saved the United States at least twenty thousand troops in the field. If the reader will pause to consider what this means in men and also the millions in money, he will appreciate this wonderful piece of diplomacy, in averting a holy war."
The Muslim peoples obeyed the order.
In 1904, the Moro Rebellion then broke out between the Americans and Moro Muslims. The US committed atrocities against Moro Muslim women and children, such as the Moro Crater Massacre.

Young Turk Revolution

The Young Turk Revolution removed Abdul Hamid II from power in 1908, and officials more favorable to the U.S. replaced him. The Ottoman Legation in Washington was designated as an embassy in 1909, and given the second class ranking; the Ottoman Empire at the time ranked its embassies by importance.
During the Presidency of William Howard Taft, an American strategy was to become involved in business transactions rather than military confrontations, a policy known as Dollar Diplomacy. It failed with respect to the Ottoman Empire because of opposition from US ambassador Oscar Straus and to Turkish vacillation under pressure from the entrenched European powers who did not wish to see American competition. American trade remained a minor factor.

[World War I] and the [Armenian genocide]

was the U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire during World War I until 1916. Morgenthau criticized the ruling Three Pashas for the Armenian Genocide and sought to get help for the Armenians. Jesse B. Jackson, consul in Aleppo, also assisted Armenians. Morgenthau's replacement Abram Isaac Elkus, served in 1916–1917.
The Ottomans severed diplomatic relations with the United States on April 20, 1917, after the United States had declared war against Germany on April 4, 1917. The United States never declared war on the Ottoman Empire. Normal diplomatic relations were re-established with the Ottoman Empire's successor state, Turkey, in 1927.

Diplomatic missions

U.S. diplomatic missions in the empire included:
Ottoman diplomatic missions to the U.S. included:
Honorary Ottoman consulates in the U.S.:
The Ottoman government chose to continue the mission with a chargé, Hüseyin Bey, after World War I began, and this appointment ended with the cutoff of diplomatic relations in 1917.
Kuneralp stated that these officials were "interesting figures" but that there was not "a Wellington Koo" among them and "they did not shine in their diplomatic careers", as the Ottoman government did not view this post to be important. He also stated that Madame Bey, wife of first secretary Sıtkı Bey, due to her participation in American social life, was actually the most well-known person in the Ottoman diplomatic community within the US.

American ambassadors to the Ottoman Empire

Chargé d'Affaires:
Minister Resident:
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary:
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary: