Outer Space Jitters

Outer Space Jitters is a 1957 short subject directed by Jules White starring American slapstick comedy team The Three Stooges. It is the 182nd entry in the series released by Columbia Pictures starring the comedians, who released 190 shorts for the studio between 1934 and 1959.


The Stooges tell their infant sons a story about the time they blasted to outer space. In this story, the Stooges are assistants to Professor Jones who travel to the planet Sunev. The planet's leader, the Grand Slitz of Sunev greets them cordially enough, but it soon becomes apparent that he has plans to bring prehistoric men to life and take over the planet Earth. No sooner does Professor Jones catch onto the Grand Slitz's plan does he end up being tied up.
In the interim, the Stooges engage in some flirtatious activity with several Sunevian girls. At dinner, an alien leader, known officially as The High Mucky Muck tells the Stooges to eat heartily and enjoy their meal, for it will be their last. The trio make a quick dash for the spaceship, but not before encountering a prehistoric goon. The boys manage to free Professor Jones and destroy the equipment that would have conquered the Earth. The stooges return to earth, finishing their story, until the baby sitter, a female goon arrives, causing the stooges to jump out the window.

Production notes

Outer Space Jitters was filmed on July 25–26, 1957. Outer Space Jitters features Moe and Larry's more "gentlemanly" haircuts, first suggested by Joe Besser. These had to be used sparingly, as most of the shorts with Besser were remakes of earlier films, and new footage had to be matched with old. In Outer Space Jitters, however, Larry's frizz is combed back, while Moe retained his sugarbowl bangs. This seeming inconsistency accommodated the gag of a frightened Moe with hair standing on end.
This short marks one of the few moments where one of the Stooges breaks the fourth wall. As the professor and The Three Stooges are being introduced to the leader of Sunev, Larry says, "And don't forget to see Pal Joey, folks." This is a reference to the film of the same name that was released two months earlier.