Ouvrage Coume Annexe Sud

Ouvrage Coume Annexe Sud is a lesser work of the Maginot Line. Located in the Fortified Sector of Boulay, the ouvrage consists of two infantry blocks, one artillery block and one observation block, and is located between petits ouvrages Coume and Mottemberg, facing Germany.

Design and construction

The site was surveyed by CORF, the Maginot Line's design and construction agency; Coume was approved for construction in May 1931. It was completed at a cost of 13 million francs. The petit ouvrage was to receive a separate entry block in a second phase, never carried out.


Coume Annexe Sud comprises four infantry blocks, connected by underground galleries, with a small underground utility area and barracks. The galleries are excavated at an average depth of up to.
In addition to the connected combat blocks, a series of detached casemates and infantry shelters surround Coume Annexe Sud, including
The 1940 manning of the ouvrage under the command of Captain Faucoulanche comprised 194 men and 5 officers of the 160th Fortress Infantry Regiment. The units were under the umbrella of the 3rd Army, Army Group 2. The Casernement de Ban Saint-Jean provided peacetime above-ground barracks and support services to Coume Annexe Sudand other positions in the area.


Coume Annexe Sud played no significant role in either the Battle of France in 1940 or the Lorraine Campaign of 1944.