
Overruled! is a Canadian children's television sitcom about high school kids with problems, which are taken to Teen Court, hosted by Judge Tara; the series aired on Family Channel in Canada and Disney Channel in the United Kingdom. It premiered on July 10, 2009 in the United Kingdom and September 13, 2009 in Canada. In Canada, Family Channel premiered the show by airing episodes from the second season first. Then after the thirteenth episode of season 2, the channel ran all 13 episodes of season 1.


The show centers around Jared " The Coop" Cooper and his friends: Russell "Rusty" Dougal, an eccentric transfer student, Kaleigh Stewart, one of the lawyers at teen court, and Tara Bohun, the judge at teen court. When Teen Court is in session, Tara is the judge, Rusty is the court clerk, and Kaeligh and Coop are the lawyers. As the cases often involve all of them, they all have to stay fair in court despite their friendships and prejudices which usually leads to more problems.



Shaftesbury Films sold the Overruled! to Family Channel in February 2008; the series was expected to produce 13-episodes for a late 2008 debut, but didn't air in Canada until 2010.


in Toronto, Ontario is where the external shots of Banting High were taken.


Series overview

Season 1 (2009)

Season 2 (2009)

International broadcast

Overruled! was expected to be picked up by Disney Channel in the United States, but the series never aired. It aired in Spain, The Netherlands and Belgium on Disney Channel Europe. The series also aired in Poland on ZigZap, and in Portugal on Panda Biggs.