Owj Arts and Media Organization

Owj Arts and Media Organization is legally a media non-governmental organization in Iran, active in launching campaigns, film production and distribution.

Ideology and affiliation

The organization's works has been described as irritating government of Hassan Rouhani and reformists, anti-Iran deal, anti-American, and subject to Holocaust denial.
Owj organization seems reluctant to provide details about its owner or corporate structure. Its website "About Us" section reads: "perhaps more important and better than knowing when Owj was established and who were its founders, … it is better to introduce its nature and identity". The organization has been claimed to have ties with Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. In 2018, Owj's executive director and Ebrahim Hatamikia, a director working for the organization publicly admitted that the organization is run and funded by the IRGC.

Notable works

Billboard campaign