Oya Araslı

Oya Araslı is a female Turkish academic and politician. She was born in Bursa to Kemal and Naciye Tezel. After studying at Faculty of Law in the İstanbul University she he earned a doctorate at the Faculty of Law in Ankara University. She chose academic career and became the professor of constitution. Her husband was Doğan Araslı, a well known politician in Republican People's Party.

Oya Araslı in politics

After CHP was reestablished, Oya Araslı became a member of the party. Between 8 January 1996 - 18 April 1999 she was elected as an MP from Mersin Province. Although she was offered a candidateship for the next election held on 18 April 1999, she declined the offer protesting the party policy towards the female candidates. Her second term in parliament began in 2002. Between 14 November 2002 - 22 July 2007 Oya Araslı was elected as an MP from Ankara Province.
According to the Turkish constitution, each party with over twenty seats form a parliamentary group and each group is represented by 1-3 group vice chairpersons who are authorized to represent, the relevant party in the parliament. In her first term Oya Araslı served as a group vice chairperson of her party. Thus she became the very first female group vice chairperson in Turkey. In 2000 during the period in which her party was out of the parliament she briefly served as the secretary general of her party.