P. Alexander Hulley

Percy Alexander Hulley is a South African zoologist and ichthyologist.. He is a research associate at the South African Museum and has described many species of fish including the taillight shark.


Hulley completed his MSc in 1967 from the University of Cape Town with a thesis entitled: Studies on the anatomy of some South African Mytilidae with notes on their ecology and distribution. He submitted his PhD thesis in 1971 entitled: The origin, interrelationship and distribution of Southern African Rajidae
He has worked at the South African Museum since 1965, where he was deputy director and curator of fishes at the South African Museum until 2005. From 2006, Hulley has worked at the South African Museum in an honorary capacity as a Research Associate.
The comprehensive Mesopelagic Fish Collection of the South African museum was assembled primarily by Hulley. The collection contains fish that live between 200m and 1 000m below the surface. Mesopelagic fish constitutes 95% of the world’s fish biomass.

Selected publications

Hulley has authored or co-authored more than 100 articles, reports and chapters for academic works, including:


Hulley is honoured in the naming of a legskate and other fishes:
Hulley discovered and named several other sharks and fish, amongst others: