
The PFA-100 is a platelet function analyser that aspirates blood in vitro from a blood specimen into disposable test cartridges through a microscopic aperture cut into a biologically active membrane at the end of a capillary. The membrane of the cartridges are coated with collagen and adenosine diphosphate or collagen and epinephrine inducing a platelet plug to form which closes the aperture.
The PFA test result is dependent on platelet function, plasma von Willebrand Factor level, platelet
number, and the hematocrit.
The PFA test is initially performed with the Collagen/Epinepherine membrane. A normal Col/Epi closure time
excludes the presence of a significant platelet function defect.
If the Col/Epi closure time is prolonged, the Col/ADP test is automatically
performed. If the Col/ADP result is normal, aspirin-induced platelet dysfunction is
most likely.
Prolongation of both test results may indicate
the following;
Once anemia and thrombocytopenia have been excluded, further evaluation to exclude von
Willebrand disease and inherited/acquired platelet dysfunction can be made.