PHQ card

PHQ cards are postcards issued by the British Post Office depicting the designs of their commemorative stamps. They are generally available to buy in main post offices about two weeks prior to the release of each new set of stamps.


The 'PHQ' stands for Postal Headquarters. All items published by the Post Office are given a number which is prefixed by letters. The first card issued, on 16 May 1973, was numbered PHQ1, and the numbering sequence has continued to the present day.
There are however two gaps in the sequence, and two duplications. The number PHQ24 was originally set aside for the 9p Silver Jubilee card, but when it was issued the card was numbered PHQ22E. The next set had already been allocated the number PHQ25, and so the number PHQ24 was never used.
The London 1980 Exhibition card, issued 9 April 1980 to commemorate the 1980 International Stamp Exhibition, and the set of five cards for London Landmarks, issued 7 May 1980, both had the reference number PHQ43.
The set of five cards for Gallantry, issued 11 September 1990, and the set of four cards for Astronomy, issued 16 October 1990, both had the reference number PHQ129. Consequently, the number PHQ130 was unused.


The first card issued was the 3p W.G. Grace stamp from the set of stamps commemorating County Cricket, issued on 16 May 1973, but not released until mid-July. Subsequent cards have been issued about two weeks prior to the release of the stamps. This enables collectors to obtain the cards before the issue of the stamps so that they can attach the relevant stamp and obtain First Day of Issue postmarks.
When they were first issued, the PHQ cards were intended to be just an occasional picture postcard for sale to the public at Post Offices and Philatelic Counters. However, right from the first card issued, some enterprising Stamp Dealers realised that there was a potential new Stamp collecting area, and stamps were fixed either to the face of the card, or the back, and postmarks for various cricket matches played between July and September 1973 were obtained.
In August 1973 a second card was issued for one of the stamps in the set to mark the 400th anniversary of the birth of Inigo Jones, architect and designer. Over the next three years several more single cards, and a few sets were issued, from July 1976 onwards there has been a set of cards issued for every new set of commemorative stamps that has been issued.
The first two cards issued, 1973 Cricket and 1973 Inigo Jones, are larger than the current cards, measuring 120 mm x 172 mm in size, while all cards issued from PHQ3 onward are 104 mm x 148 mm in size. This can be confusing for new collectors coming across the first two issues for the first time, if they are not aware of the size difference, they tend to think they are worthless copies.

Collecting PHQ cards

There are three main areas of collecting interest. Many collectors like to collect only the unused cards, but some like to obtain them with first day of issue postmarks. Others like to obtain them with special handstamps that have some connection to the stamp subject matter.
Also, stamp collectors will usually put the stamp on the back of the card, but a very popular variation is for the stamp to be applied to the face of the card, so that the postcard picture, stamp and postmark are all visible on the same face.

Postmarks and handstamps

The first card was not put on sale until two months after the issue date of the stamps, so would not have been eligible for a First day of issue postmark. However the card is known to exist with 16 May 1973, Birmingham FDI cancellation, but it is much more collectable with the July and September pictorial cricket postmarks.
The cricket postmarks to look out for are 21 July, Benson & Hedges, and 1 September Gillette Cup.

The early issues

Below are the issue dates of all the early cards, issued up until July 1976. Since this date a full set of cards has been issued for every commemorative set, and for some of the definitive issues.
Stamp issue dateStamp set#cardsCard set refQty. Issued
16 May 1973County Cricket, 1873–1973onePHQ 120,000
15 August 1973400th Anniversary, birth of Inigo JonesonePHQ 220,000
12 September 197319th Commonwealth Parliamentary ConferenceonePHQ 315,200
14 November 1973Royal Wedding onePHQ 4290,000
27 February 1974British TreesonePHQ 516,750
24 April 1974Fire Service AnniversaryonePHQ 630,000
10 July 1974Medieval WarriorsfourPHQ 731,750
9 October 1974Winston Churchill CentenaryonePHQ 8114,430
19 February 1975Bicentenary, birth J. M. W. TurneronePHQ 946,250
23 April 1975European Architectural YearthreePHQ 1051,000
11 June 1975SailingonePHQ 1141,350
13 August 1975150th Anniversary of Public RailwaysfourPHQ 1247,500
22 October 1975Jane Austen BicentenaryfourPHQ 1327,330
28 April 1976Social ReformersonePHQ 1438,350
2 June 1976American BicentenaryonePHQ 1560,950
30 June 1976RosesfourPHQ 1634,250

All subsequent issues of British Commemorative Stamps had a set of PHQ Cards issued.

Differences and errors

Like the stamps they depict, because of the printing processes involved, errors and differences will occur in the printings. Some of the notable differences and errors are listed here.
Card set ref.Issue dateStamp setDetails
PHQ 710 July 1974Medieval Warriors10p card known to exist with missing red.
PHQ 89 October 1974Winston Churchill5½p card known to exist with missing gold.
PHQ 919 February 1975Turner Bicentenary5½p card known to exist with missing black
PHQ 1111 June 1975Sailing8p card known to exist with missing red.
PHQ 1322 October 1975Jane Austen bicentenary10p card gold head & border, upward shift of 5 mm
13p card, black and yellow shifted upwards.
PHQ 1630 June 1976Rose Society Centenary8½p upward shift of yellow by 2 mm
PHQ 1829 September 1976500th anniversary of British Printing10p card upwards shift of olive & dark green by 5 mm
PHQ 212 March 1977Centenary, Royal Institute of Chemistry8½p card with picture printed on matt side
8½p card with upward shift of yellow & blue by 1 mm
10p card, missing red & black
PHQ 2211 May 1977Silver Jubilee8½p card with missing pale blue
8½p card with pale blue shift to right by 2 mm
8½p card with grey shifted to left
PHQ 255 October 1977British WildlifeBadger card missing brown value and description
Hare card missing brown value and description
Otter card with bistre frame shifted upwards
PHQ 2931 May 1978Anniversary of Coronation13p card with doubling of gold & purple
PHQ 305 July 1978Shire Horses13p card with missing brown
PHQ 337 February 1979British Dogs10½p card printed on matt side
10½p card, blue & yellow shifted 12 mm to right
13p card printed on matt side
PHQ 3711 July 1979International Year of the Child9p card with downward shift of yellow,
blue, silver & bistre by 6 mm
PHQ 3926 September 1979150th Anniversary of
Metropolitan Police
10p card with red & black shifted
down and to left by 1 mm
PHQ 4212 March 1980150th Anniversary of the
Liverpool and Manchester Railway
Goods Train & Mail Coach card missing bistre border
PHQ 437 May 1980London Landmarks13½p card printed on the matt side
13½p card with black print missing from reverse
PHQ 4710 October 1980Sports Centenaries12p card with missing magenta, black, bistre & gold
17½p card printed on matt side

Other notable differences

Other postcard issues

Occasionally the post office issues Stamp Cards of stamps that are not listed as PHQ. This also includes copies of Definitive Issues.
Issue No.Issue DateIssue Title
PSM011999-JunRoyal Wedding
PSM021999-DecMillennium Timekeeper
PSM022000-MayHer Majesty's Stamps
PSM042000-AugQueen Mothers Birthday
PSM062001-MayBritish Double Deckers
PSM072001-OctRoyal Navy Flags
Celebrating Great Britain--
CGB012006-NovCelebrating Scotland
CGB022007-AprCelebrating England
CGB032008-MarCelebrating Northern Ireland
CGB042009-FebCelebrating Wales
GS11993-FebGift Giving
PHQHP2007-JulHarry Potter
PHQOGH2008-AugOlympic Games
D21993-Mar£1 Carrickfergus Castle
D31993-Mar£1.50 Caernarfon Castle
D41992-Mar£2 Edinburgh Castle
D51992-Mar£5 Windsor Castle
D61993-OctMachin 1st
D71995-Aug£1 Machin
D81995-Aug£3 Carrickfergus Castle
D91994-JulBank of England
D111996-AprQueens 70th
D172000-MarPostman Pat
D192001-MarNorthern Ireland
D202001-AprEnglish Definitives
D222003-MarMachin Gold 1st
D232003-MarUniversal European
D272003-OctNorthern Ireland
D292008-SeptCountry Definitives
D302008-SepMachin definitives
Prepaid Postcards2007-JulScouts
Postcard and Stamp Set2008-JunFilms-Off The Wall
Special Edition Cards2009-JanBritish design Classics