
Pa-kimchi, also known as green onion kimchi or scallion kimchi, is one of types of Kimchi that Koreans usually eat for banchan and is most popular in Jeolla-do. Pa Kimchi uses medium-thick green onions known as jjokpa, which are fermented to maturity in powdered red pepper gochutgaru, garlic, ginger and seasoned with myeolchi jeot. It is known for its hot spicy taste. Green onions with large, white sections is appropriate in making different kinds of kimchi due to their high sweetness.
Among over 100 different types of Kimchi in Korea, Pa Kimchi is considered to be the easiest recipe to make. Also, it becomes flavorful when it is ripened. South Koreans also add either fermented anchovies or fermented brine shrimp, depending on the region. This is similar to other parts of Asia such as the Chinese using fish sauce to enhance the taste of their food.


Scallions, red-hot pepper powder, minced garlic, minced ginger, salted anchovies, and agave syrup

Variations of Pa Kimchi

Pa-Kimchi Pancake
Ingredients: portion of Pa Kimchi, Flour, eggs and squid
How to make: 1. Slice portion of Pa Kimchi and squid to a convenient size 2. In a mixing bowl containing Pa Kimchi and squid, add a cup of water, 2 eggs 3. Mix and add more water if necessary then fry.


Green onions are commonly used as a medicine to treat viral infections, flu, and the common cold. It is beneficial in relieving gastrointestinal problems and it is good for regulating metabolism.
Nutritional composition of Pa Kimchi
Nutrientsper 100gNutrientsper 100gNutrientsper 100gNutrientsper 100g
Carbohydrate4.5gProtein1.5gglucose0.5gPotassium163.67 mg
Fat0.6gDietary Fiber1.8gfructose0.5gCalcium5 mg
Vitamin B10.09 mgVitamin B20.08 mglactose0.0gIron5.1 mg
Niacin1.25 mgVitamin C0.00 mgmaltose0.1gPhosphorus26.75 mg
Retinol0.0 mgBeta-carotene764.22 mgSugar1.1gSaturated fat0.1g
Cholesterol2.17 mgSucrose0.0gSodium408.05 mgTrans fat0,0g