Packard Jennings

Packard Jennings is an American artist who appropriates pop culture symbols and references to create new meaning using a variety of media including printmaking, sculpture, animation, video, and pamphleteering. In his early career he modified billboards, a common practice of culture jammers. He has been working on a police mindfulness meditation project since 2012. Though he works mostly in public, he is affiliated with Charlie James Gallery in Los Angeles, and Analix Forever in Geneva. His work is in the collection of the UC Davis Museum and di Rosa. His work is in several books, including: “Art and Agenda” Gestalten, 2011, "We Own the Night ” Rizzoli, 2011 and "Urban Interventions" Gestalten, 2010. His Shopdropping work 'Anarchist Action figure was described on the front page of the New York Times.


Jennings has made major contributions to the practice of "shopdropping". Jennings was a very early practitioner of what was to become "shopdropping". He was the first to covertly place a completely hand-made art object into a store with his 1998 with his Walmart Project, which features 7 art products placed in Walmart Stores, including the Mussolini Action Figure, which are humorously critical of aspects of their business practice. Other Shopdropped works include: A Day at The Mall, Welcome to Geneva, the Anarchist Action figure, Walgreens Local Business Coupon, and the Pocket Survival Guide.


Jennings was legally threatened by Chiquita Banana for posting fake Chiquita Banana stickers that said 'Chemical' on his website He responded to the Chiquita with three more designs based on Chiquita Banana business practice, including: Deforest, Cocaine, and Terrorism.
Jennings sent a cease and f**king desist letter to a tech company that used his artwork in their ad to find a new employee. He won a settlement.

In 2011, Jennings launched . The site states: " is an advertising free Do It Yourself website for projects of protest and creative dissent. The site features user generated step-by-step video and photo/text based instructions for a wide range of dissenting actions, including : art actions, billboard alterations, shop-dropping, protest strategies, knit-bombing, making protest props, interventions, methods of civil disobedience, stencil work, performative actions, and many other forms of public dissent – from the practical and tactical to the creative and illegal. It is a living archive and resource for the art and activist communities."