Padam, padam...

"Padam, padam..." is a song originally released in 1951 by Édith Piaf. It was written for her by :fr:Henri Contet|Henri Contet and Norbert Glanzberg.


It is a waltz. The song has been described as "maddeningly catchy".
The person singing the song experiences a music-related memory. She describes how a certain melody evokes in her memories of a former lover.

Track listings

7" EP EMI Columbia ESRF 1023
  1. "Padam padam..."
  2. "Jézébel"
  3. "Mariage"
  4. "Les amants de Venise"

    Cover versions

The song was covered, among others, by Tony Martin,Mireille Mathieu, :de:Dunja Rajter|Dunja Rajter, Michael Heltau, Chimène Badi, and Ann Christy.