
Paikmal is a town in Bargarh district in the Indian state of Odisha.


Paikmal is located at. It has an average elevation of. It is almost from its district headquarters, Bargarh. It is about from its capital city of Bhubaneshwar.
Paikmal is a block of Padampur subdivision, distance from Paikmal to Padampur is about.
The area around Paikmal is rain-fed and hence is prone to frequent droughts. The Gandhamardhan hills is about away and forms the borders between Bargarh and Balangir districts. Till date the beautiful locale has not been spoiled by industrialisation, but the per capita income is very low.
Nrusinghanath Temple of Gandhamardhan hills is almost famous in all over the Odisha for lord Nrusingha.


India census, Paikmal had a population of 3916. Male population was 2027 and female population was 1889, this is little low to compare with males population. Paikmal has an literacy rate about nearly 61%.


Current MLA from Padmapur Assembly Constituency is Bijay Ranjan Singh Bariha of BJD. The former MLA from Padampur Assembly Constituency was Pradeep Purohit of BJP from 2014 till 2018.
From 2009 till 2013 Bijay Ranjan Singh Bariha of Biju Janata Dal had been the MLA. He also won this seat earlier for BJD in 2000 and for JD in 1995 and in 1990. Other previous MLAs from this seat were Satya Narayan Sahu of INC who won this seat in 2004, in 1985 for INC and in 1980 representing INC

Technology & Business

Paikmal is a rural area and not so improved in business and technology. How ever a Technological Group Aamargeet Developer Network is presents here with website and software development, Advanced Computer Education and so on. The Head quarter of also presents here. Yes Slightly it's improving in a manner Paikmal is becoming popular day by day.
Business, How ever this area has no so much population but business is a good idea here. Many businesses like Rice Mills, Medical Research Center and also a Tourism Place presents here.