
Paluzza is a comune in the Province of Udine in the Italian region Friuli-Venezia Giulia.


It is located about northwest of Trieste and about northwest of Udine, in the historic Carnia region of Friuli, close to the border with Austria at Plöcken Pass.
Paluzza borders the following municipalities: Arta Terme, Cercivento, Comeglians, Forni Avoltri, Kötschach-Mauthen, Lesachtal, Paularo, Ravascletto, Rigolato, Sutrio, Treppo Ligosullo. The municipal area comprises the frazioni of Casteons, Cleulis, Englaro, Naunina, Rivo, and Timau, where a particular variant of the Southern Bavarian dialect is spoken.
Sights include the Torre Moscarda, a surviving structure of a castle built here by the Patriarch of Aquileia Gregorio di Montelongo; nearby are remains of ancient Roman and World War I fortifications.