1944—One of the first science fiction stories about pantropy was the short story "Desertion," by Clifford D. Simak, which appeared in the November 1944Astounding Science Fiction. In this story, human colonists living in a domed city on the planet Jupiter are put through a biological converter that converts their bodies into the form of the indigenous Jovian lifeform called the "Lopers." The head director of the domed colony, Kent Fowler, wondering why none of those biologically converted ever come back, goes into the biological converter himself with his dog and finds that the reason they never come back is that the Lopers have brains and senses so much in advance of humans that they don't want to come back. He also finds that he is able to completely accurately telepathically communicate with his dog Towser after going through the converter. He himself decides not to go back. The story was incorporated into the novelCity.
1957—The Seedling Stars, by James Blish, a collection of science fiction stories about pantropy. The best-known of these is "Surface Tension", often anthologized in its original 1952 standalone version.
1976—Frederik Pohl's novelMan Plus is a story about the transformation of a human into a hybrid/cyborg in order to allow him to live comfortably on Mars. In the sequel, Mars Plus, some colonists opt for an intermediate existence, and are known as Creoles.
1981-1983—Jack L. Chalker's Four Lords of the Diamond series describes the changes in personality that result from physical changes caused by a symbiotic microorganism that adapts humans into a form that can survive on each of four different planets.
1989-1997—Dan Simmons' Hyperion Cantos is a series of four books featuring a faction known as the Ousters, which use pantropy as a way of living in harmony with nature and space.
2000—Stephen Baxter's novels repeatedly deal with pantropy as an approach to the far future of the human species.
2002—Timothy Zahn's novel Manta's Gift features technology capable of transmitting human consciousness to an alien body.
2009—James Cameron's film Avatar is a somewhat different take on pantropy.
2011—In the manga Terra Formars, humans sent to Mars undergo genetic modification to inherit the characteristics of other organisms.
2014—In the video game , the Harmony affinity represents pantropy.''