
Panurgus is a genus of mining bees belonging to the family Andrenidae, subfamily Panurginae.


Panurgus species are small to medium in size, reaching. Most species are almost entirely black. The hair is relatively sparse, but the male has a thick, long, black facial hair. The body surface area largely bald and shiny. The abdomen has a typical, slightly diamond-shaped outline.
Panurgus have one generation per year, adults can be found especially in late Summer. They are dependent on Asteraceae as a pollen source and they prefers yellow flowers. The nests are laid in sandy soil or loess.


These bees are confined entirely to the Palaearctic ecozone, the range extends from the Canary Islands to China and Japan.


Subgenus Flavipanurgus Warncke, 1972
Subgenus Panurgus Panzer, 1806
Subgenus Simpanurgus Warncke, 1972