Papyrus (comics)

Papyrus is a Belgian comic book series, written and illustrated by Lucien de Gieter. The story takes place in Ancient Egypt. It was first published in 1974 in Spirou magazine in the form of episodes.
An animated series was created in 1998 that was two seasons long and shown on TFOU TV in France and in Quebec on Radio-Canada. It is airing in 2016 on Unis.
In 2000 a video game was made for Game Boy developed by Dupuis and published by Ubisoft.


In the beginning, Horus the falcon god of light and Set the god of evil fought to control Egypt. The council of the Gods decided, Set was sent to exile and Horus became the first pharaoh of Egypt. For two thousand years, pharaoh succeeded pharaoh. But Set had plotted his revenge, and deep inside his sinister black pyramid of Ombos, Set imprisoned Horus in a magic sarcophagus. From then on, and no longer protected by the god Horus, Egypt was at the mercy of Set and his servant Aker. So the gods chose Papyrus, a young fisherman who must find the secret entrance to Ombos, free the god Horus and restore peace to Egypt.


Main characters

Thirty-three albums have been published so far:
  1. La Momie engloutie. Papyrus is appointed by Sobek's daughter to rescue Théti-Chéri and her father from a power-hungry traitor at the Pharao's side.
  2. Le Maître des trois portes. While trying to discover why the Nile's waters have suddenly gone low, Papyrus and Théti-Chéri discover and become prisoners in a golden underground city rules by the living mummy of Menes, who wishes to seize power over Egypt again. In order to escape, Papyrus must discover the secret of the three gates which separate the city from the upper world.
  3. Le Colosse sans visage. Papyrus aids the inhabitants of a city cursed by the gods for the unholy atrocities their past ruler has committed. For this well-meant deed, he is cursed by the gods and transformed into a hideous creature, and it is up to Théti-Chéri to appease the gods - even if it means paying the ultimate price.
  4. Le Tombeau de Pharaon
  5. L'Égyptien blanc
  6. Les Quatre Doigts du Dieu Lune
  7. La Vengeance des Ramsès ; English translation: The Rameses Revenge. The four colossi of the Temple of Rameses rise against a band of plunderers.
  8. La Métamorphose d'Imhotep ; English translation: Imhotep's Transformation : Papyrus must find an antidote for the poisoned Pharaoh while a friend plays the role of the ruler.
  9. Les Larmes du géant : A Hittite princess arrives at court as a second wife for the Pharaoh, bringing with her the secret of iron. In the temple of Amonhotep III, plotters want to seize power for themselves and build invincible weapons, so they capture the Hittite princess as well as Théti.
  10. La Pyramide noire : Papyrus takes an enchanted Théti to a mage who may be able to heal her.
  11. Le Pharaon maudit: Théti and Papyrus fight against plunderers, six girls who call themselves Daughters of Akhenaton.
  12. L'Obélisque: Amenope, the royal architect, and his assistant Imhotep, despite obstacles but with the help of Papyrus and Théti cut, transport, and erect an obelisk at Thebes.
  13. Le Labyrinthe: Papyrus is named ambassador of Egypt by the King of Minos.
  14. L'Île Cyclope : Théti goes to rejoin Papyrus in Crete with the mummy of the son of Minos. Papyrus sets off again, finally finding and rescuing the princess on a fantastic island.
  15. L'Enfant hiéroglyphe: Imhotep, the successor of Amenope, is saved from a fire by Papyrus. The parchment that established the plans of Amenope for the new temple were saved. But the workers strike, and Imhotep is accused of sacrilege. Théti and Papyrus discover those responsible for the strike.
  16. Le Seigneur des crocodiles : Captured by Libyan nomads, Papyrus and Théti escape into the desert where they meet a blind mage who asks Papyrus to give him his eyes.
  17. Toutânkhamon, le Pharaon assassiné : While beset and framed by graverobbers plundering the Valley of the Kings, Papyrus meets the spirit of Ankhesenpaaton, the wife of Tutankhamen, who seeks his help in reuniting her with her beloved husband, just as Papyrus' ancestor has done so many years ago.
  18. L'Œil de Rê : During the feast of Opet, Amenmes, one of the sons of Rameses II disputes the throne of the Pharaoh Merenptah.
  19. Les Momies maléfiques : In the chambers of the temple of Montouhotep, ten bodies of archers of Seqenenre Taa II, dead in combat, are mummified in haste. Meanwhile, Théti's expedition enters the desert but forgets to render homage to Seth.
  20. La Colère du grand sphinx : While searching for Théti, Papyrus angers the Great Sphinx.
  21. Le Talisman de la grande pyramide : Wanting to discover the origin of the screams heard at the foot of the Great Pyramid each night, Papyrus angers the god Anubis.
  22. La Prisonnière de Sekhmet : The goddess Sekhmet is upset: the ancient Great Priest of her temple has conceived a diabolical plan in which Princess Théti, the only one capable of calming this divinity, plays a central role.
  23. Le Cheval de Troie : Papyrus and Théti arrive in Troy, ruined and occupied by thieves searching in vain for the treasure of King Priam.
  24. La main pourpre : Papyrus and Théti find the "purple hand" in Tyre, along with victims of the leaders of the city.
  25. Le Pharaon fou : After having escaped from the soldiers of Tyre, Papyrus and Théti find that Pouin has become the king of Dor. After having convinced him to return to Egypt, Papyrus meets a curious character named Moses who is leaving Egypt with his tribe.
  26. Le Masque d'Horus : The queen sends Papyrus on a secret mission: to find Théti's younger brother, who was taken by the priests of the temple of Kom Ombo.
  27. La Fureur des Dieux : Rameses II the younger hunts a bull in the company of his father, Sethi I.
  28. Les Enfants d'Isis: For his services to Egypt, Papyrus is granted land and an estate, but the Pharao has a darker, ulterior motive for his generosity. He means to separate Papyrus and Théti, who have come to love each other, so that he can arrange a more prestigious marriage of his daughter with a prince of Mitanni.
  29. L'Île de la reine morte
  30. L'Oracle
  31. L'Or de Pharaon
  32. Le taureau de Montou
  33. Papyrus Pharaon

    English translations

Since November 2007, Cinebook Ltd has been publishing Papyrus in English. Six albums were released:
  1. The Rameses Revenge, November 2007,
  2. Imhotep's Transformation, April 2008,
  3. Tutankhamun, April 2009,
  4. The Evil Mummies, April 2010,
  5. The Anger of the Great Sphinx, June 2012,
  6. The Amulet of the Great Pyramid, June 2015,

    Animated series

Season 1

  1. The Black Mummy
  2. Anger of the Moon God
  3. Lord of the Crocodiles
  4. Revenge of Ramses
  5. The Faceless Giant
  6. The Cursed Pharaoh
  7. The Black Sun of Seth
  8. The Metamorphosis of Imhotep
  9. The Maze
  10. The Triumph of Bastet
  11. City of Scribes
  12. The Demon of the Red Mountains
  13. The Golden Feather of the Great Falcon
  14. The Return of the Red Sphinx
  15. The White Egyptian
  16. The Harp of Hathor
  17. The Forgotten Sarcophagus
  18. The House of Life
  19. The Revenge of Amon
  20. The Rebirth of the Child Pharaoh
  21. Tears of Giants
  22. The Hieroglyph Child
  23. The Master of the Three Doors
  24. The Black Pyramid
  25. The Mirror of Nebou
  26. The Second Flood of the Sacred River

    Season 2

  27. The Sacrilege of Papyrus
  28. Mika the Sorceress
  29. The Thirtieth Case of Senet Cursed
  30. Justice Thoueris
  31. The Awakening of Osiris
  32. White Baboon
  33. Stolen Country
  34. Four Chapels of Tutankhamun
  35. The Divine Potter
  36. Return Senkhet
  37. The Talisman of the Great Pyramid
  38. Yam
  39. Time of Discord
  40. Seven Knots of Horus
  41. Renunciation of Papyrus
  42. Nile Red
  43. The Sacred Crown of Wadjet
  44. Neferure
  45. Emissaries
  46. Princess Tiya
  47. Princess Star
  48. The Sacred Child of Ebla
  49. The Ished Tree
  50. The Djed Pillar
  51. The Trial of Papyrus
  52. The Nightmare
Canadian animator and cartoonist Guy Delisle documented his experiences while working on this animated series in 1997 in Shenzhen