Papyrus Vindobonensis Greek 39777

The Papyrus Vindobonensis Graecus 39777 signed as SymP.Vindob.G.39777 – is a fragment of a Greek manuscript of the Psalms of the translation of Symmachus. It was written in papyrus in a scroll form. The papyrus contains fragments of Psalm 69 and Psalm 81.
The P.Vindob.G.39777 is dated to late third century or beginning fourth century.


It was published by the Dr. Carl Wessely in his work Studien zur Palaeographie und Papyruskunde, Vol. XI., Leipzig, 1911, pag. 171.


The papyrus contains the tetragrammaton written in archaic Hebrew characters in the following places: Ps 69:13, 30 and 31. The traduction of Symmachs was a part of the Hexapla and Tetrapli, the work contains the translations of the Hebrew to Greek Bible, it was written by Origen. According to Bruce M. Metzger the Greek translation of Hebrew Bible prepared by Symmachus was realiced with a different method that the translation of Aquila, because his intention was not a literal translation, rather an elegant message from the Hebrew to Greek text.

Actual location

The Papyrus Vindobonensis Graecus 39777 is kept at Austrian National Library at Vienna as.