Paracelsus Medical University

The Paracelsus Medical University is a private university located in Salzburg municipality, Austria and Nuremberg, Germany.

Organization and financing

University management:
The university's legal entity is the Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg - private foundation. The tripartite committee reports to the Board of Trustees.
Foundation board:
The financing of the Paracelsus Medical University is carried out for the most part through private funds. Furthermore, it includes public funding provided by local and regional government bodies, tuition fees and cross financing from research contracts and through net income. Being a private university, the Paracelsus Medical University is not entitled to funding from the federal government.


Constructive and beneficial partnerships in medical and scientific fields have been established with the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, Yale University, University of Milan, Cambridge University,University of North Florida, Johns Hopkins University, Dhulikhel Hospital in Nepal as well as national universities.
A further intensive and long-standing partnership connects the Paracelsus Medical University, the University Hospital Salzburg and the Christian Doppler Clinic. As the university was established, the clinics' formerly autonomous departments were integrated to become university clinic departments. The transformation to university hospitals followed in 2007.
The university's second location in Nuremberg with the study of human medicine is based on the cooperation with Klinikum Nuremberg.
In addition, the Paracelsus Medical University is able to make use of a broad-based network of academic teaching hospitals and teaching practices, particularly within the regions of Salzburg and Bavaria.

Studies and further education

Degree Courses:
The main research focuses at the Paracelsus Medical University belong to the area of regenerative medicine:
Research Programs: