Paschal greeting

The Paschal Greeting, also known as the Easter Acclamation, is an Easter custom among Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Eastern Catholic, Latin Catholic, and Anglican Christians. It is also found among some Christians from liturgical Protestant denominations, such as certain Lutherans. One is to greet another person with "Christ is risen!", and the response is "He is risen indeed!", with many variants in English and other languages.
Similar responses are also used in the liturgies of other Christian churches, but not so much as general greetings.


Eastern Orthodox

The greeting and reply are:
Christ is Risen! - Truly He is Risen!
A list in 57 languages is found at the website of the Orthodox Church in America
In some cultures, such as in Russia and Serbia, it is also customary to exchange a triple kiss of peace on the alternating cheeks after the greeting.


In the Latin Rites the traditional greeting on Easter morning is "Christ is risen" to which the response is "He is risen indeed. Alleluia!" This ancient phrase echoes the greeting of the angel to Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph as they arrived at the sepulchre to anoint the body of Jesus: "He is not here; for he has risen, as he said".