Passo Tanarello

Passo Tanarello or Pas du Tanarel at 2,042 m is a mountain pass in the Ligurian Alps. It connects the valleys of Roya in France and Tanaro in Italy.


Tanarello is the diminutive form of Tanaro, the main right-hand tributary of the River Po.


Passo Tanarello is located on the main chain of the Alps between Monte Tanarello and Cima Ventosa. It connects the basins of the Ligurian Sea and the River Po. Administratively the Italian side belongs to the municipality of Briga Alta and the French side to La Brigue.
Near the pass are located some remains of an old barrack and a small building still used by local farmers.


The pass up to World War II was totally in Italian territory but, following the Paris Peace Treaties, signed on February 1947, is now on the border between Italy and France.


The pass in easily accessible with a mountain bike by following the old military road. Monte Tanarello can be climbed by unmarked footpaths accessed from the path to the south and Cima Ventosa can be climbed to the north. It can also be accessed in winter with snowshoes.