Patamona people

The Patamona are an Amerindian tribe native to the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana. They are also known as the Kapon. There are about 5000 living members of this and closely related ethnic groups.
They are known archaeologically from pottery collections in the Yawong Valley and the upper Siparuni River. This region was exploited until recently for suitable farm lands, hunting and fishing. These collections suggest an affiliation with Akawaio groups in the 19th century. The burial urn guarded by a serpent is a characteristic artifact of Patamona pottery.
Kaieteur Falls is an important cultural site for the Patamona people. In their animist religion the Patamona believe in Knaima, A spiritual being capable of only evil.
The people of Paramakatoi and some other villages are literate in English and Patamona.
Unlike may other tribes the Patamona are known for eating an array of insects.
They also eat several species of edible mushrooms.