The patchwork stingaree is a northern Australian endemic with a discontinuous range: the western population is found from the Houtman Abrolhos to Cape Leveque in Western Australia, and the eastern population from Caloundra to Townsville in Queensland. It seems to be rather patchily distributed, with only small numbers of individuals present at any particular location. This benthic species is mostly found over fine substrates on the outer continental shelf, and has been reported from deep.
Among the largest members of its family, the patchwork stingaree can grow to at least long. It has a diamond-shaped pectoral fin disc much wider than long, with broadly rounded outer corners and nearly straight anterior margins that converge at an obtuse angle. The tip of the snout protrudes slightly past the disc. The small eyes are followed by comma-shaped spiracles with angular posterior rims. The outer rim of each nostril may be enlarged into a small knob; between the nostrils is a skirt-shaped curtain of skin with a finely fringed trailing margin. There are 8-14 stubby papillae on the floor of the large mouth, as well as a narrow patch of large papillae on the lower jaw. The teeth are small with roughly oval bases, and the five pairs of gill slits are short. The pelvic fins are small with curved margins. The short, very flattened tail measures 67-79% as long as the disc and terminates in a short, deep, leaf-shaped caudal fin. A lateral skin fold runs along the each side of the tail, which is most obvious in juveniles. The upper surface of the tail bears a rather large dorsal fin followed by a serrated stinging spine. The skin entirely lacks dermal denticles. The dorsal coloration of this species is distinctive, consisting of a yellowish background with numerous large, dark brown rings surrounding light-colored spots, that may be separated from each other by a network of fine pale lines to give the impression of a mosaic. The rings become smaller and less well-defined towards the margins of the disc. The dorsal and caudal fins are light in adults and dark with nearly black margins in juveniles.
Biology and ecology
Virtually nothing is known of the natural history of the patchwork stingaree. Ecologically, it is apparently the tropical equivalent of the temperate sandyback stingaree. Reproduction is presumably aplacental viviparous like in other stingrays, with the developing embryos sustained by maternally produced histotroph. The litter size is probably small, judging by related species. Males mature sexually at under long.
Human interactions
Only the Coral SeaFishery off Queensland and the Western Trawl Fisheries off Western Australia regularly operate within the geographical and depth range occupied by the patchwork stingaree. Both fisheries have a negligible impact on this species because of their small scale, and are unlikely to expand in the near future. As a result, the International Union for Conservation of Nature has listed the patchwork stingaree under Least Concern. It would potentially benefit from the implementation of the 2004 Australian NationalPlan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks.