Patented Medicine Prices Review Board

The Patented Medicine Prices Review Board is a Canadian federal, independent, semi-judicial agency with a mandate to protect Canadian consumers by ensuring that the prices of patented medication charged by manufacturers of patented drugs are not excessive. The board investigates, reviews and negotiates the price of individual drugs that are still under patent and which yet have no generic substitutes.
The board establishes the maximum prices that can be charged in Canada for patented drugs.

Federal government

The board which reports to Parliament of Canada through Health Canada, the federal department responsible for public health, ensures that prices charged by manufacturers of patented drugs are not excessive.


Bill C-22, which was passed in 1987, extending the "period of patent protection before compulsory licensing could be possible" and established the federal Patented Medicine Prices Review Board. The board determines a maximum price for individual drugs through a review process, and negotiates "voluntary compliance agreements" with drug companies to ensure that "manufacturer prices are within justification, and not excessive".

Annual reports

According to their annual report for the fiscal year 2017, there were 1,391 patented medicines for human use that were reported, which included 80 new medicines. By December 31, 2017, there were 14 voluntary compliance undertakings accepted. Patented medicines represented 61.5% of the total medicine sales in Canada in 2017 up from 60.8% in 2016.