Patriarch of Tur Abdin
From 1364 to 1816 the region of Tur Abdin constituted a distinct patriarchate within the Syriac Orthodox Church, with the following patriarchs:
- Ignatius Saba of Salah
- Ignatius Isho' of Midhyat, died 1421
- Ignatius Mas'ud of Salah
- Ignatius Henoch of 'Ayn Ward
- Ignatius Qoma of Ba Sabrina
- Ignatius Isho' of Salah
- Ignatius 'Aziz of Basila
- Ignatius Saba of Arbo
- Ignatius John Qofer of 'Ayn Ward
- Ignatius Mas'ud of Zaz
- Ignatius Isho' of Zaz
- Ignatius Simon of Hattakh
- Ignatius Jacob of Hisn
- Ignatius Sahdo of Midhyat
- Ignatius 'Abd Allah of Midhyat
- Ignatius Habib of Midhyat
- Ignatius Denha of 'Arnas
- Ignatius Barsum of Midhyat
- Ignatius Aho and Ignatius Isaiah of Arbo, jointly
Between 1804 and c. 1840 there was a series of patriarchs of contested and limited authority:
- Severus Isḥoq
- Yawsep of ʿArnas
- Barṣawmo of Ḥbob
- Mirza of Beth Sbirina
- Barṣawmo of Beth Sbirina
- Grigorios Zaytun Ghalma of Midyat
- Severus ʿAbd al-Nūr of Arbo