Patsy Cline discography

The discography of American music artist Patsy Cline consist of 3 studio albums, 24 singles, 6 extended plays, 1 compilation album, 6 other charted songs and 1 additional album appearance. Cline's discography contains material released during her lifetime. Her first recordings took place under the direction of Four Star Records. Cline's first single was released in July 1955 entitled "A Church, A Courtroom and Then Goodbye". Four Star issued 17 singles during Cline's four years recording with them. However, only 1957's "Walkin' After Midnight" would become a major hit. "Walkin' After Midnight" reached number 2 on the Billboard country songs chart and number 12 on the Billboard pop music chart.
Cline signed with Decca Records in 1960 and a shift in her musical style brought her greater recording successes. "I Fall to Pieces" was her first Decca single release, becoming her first number 1 hit on the Billboard country chart while also becoming a major crossover pop hit. Its follow-up single, "Crazy", was also released in 1961. It peaked at number 2 on the Billboard country chart and number 9 on its subsequent pop chart. Cline's second studio album Showcase was released in 1961 following her recent success. The album was also re-released in 1963.
"She's Got You" was released in 1962 as Cline's next single. It became her second number 1 hit on the Billboard country songs chart and fourth pop crossover hit. The single would also become her first to chart in the United Kingdom. While awaiting a full album release, Decca issued several extended plays in 1962 including Patsy Cline and She's Got You. Cline's third studio album Sentimentally Yours was also issued in 1962 and would be her final studio album issued in her lifetime. Her final single issued during her lifetime was 1963's "Leavin' on Your Mind". The song would reach the top 10 on the Billboard country chart following Cline's death in March 1963.


Studio albums

Compilation albums

Extended plays


Other charted songs

Other appearances