Paul Avenel

Paul Avenel was a 19th-century French writer, poet, goguettier, playwright, chansonnier and journalist. He was the elder brother of historian.
Graduated in 1840 from an école supérieure de commerce, Avenel started studying medicine in 1845 and was an ardent student of Roux, Orfila and Velpeau.
After the 1848 Revolution led him into journalism, he collaborated with many literary and political newspapers. He established and directed le Daguerréotype théâtral , worked for the Lycée français, the Mousquetaire, etc. He also wrote poetry, theatre plays and novels.
Avenel was a member of the, the Société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques, the Société des gens de lettres and the Société des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique.

