Paul E. Stein

Paul E. Stein was the thirteenth Superintendent of the United States Air Force Academy.


Stein was born in 1944 in Monroe, Louisiana. Starting quarterback for the :Category:Air Force Falcons football|Falcons, Stein graduated from the Air Force Academy in 1966. Following graduation, Stein remained at the Academy to begin his career as an assistant coach for the Falcons.
In addition to the Air Force Academy's education, Stein also earned a master's degree in Business Administration from Florida State University, graduated from the Air Command and Staff College and Air War College, and the Program for Senior Executives in National and International Security at Harvard University.

Military career

Stein has served in a variety of staff positions, including deputy chief of staff for personnel, chief of staff of Tactical Air Command and commander, Keesler Technical Training Center, Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi. Before assuming his duties as Superintendent of the Air Force Academy, he was the Air Force director of legislative liaison in Washington, D.C..
Roughly six years after his retirement, and one year after his death, General Stein's tenure as Superintendent was scrutinized in light of the Air Force Academy sexual assault scandal. Stein's actions and leadership of the Academy were reviewed closely in the , the , and the
General Stein retired from active duty on September 1, 1997. He died on January 9, 2002 from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Awards and decorations