Paul O'Grady Live

Paul O'Grady Live is a British comedy chat show hosted by Paul O'Grady, that began airing on 10 September 2010 on ITV. The show is a Friday night chat show that features a mixture of celebrity guests, airing at 21:00. The show culminates with different Vegas-style acts or music artist performing live on the show. The show has averaged 3.74 million viewers. Series one of the programme finished on 12 November 2010, although a Christmas special aired on 24 December 2010. The show's second series began on 15 April 2011 and ended on 8 July 2011, the show has not been on air since.


O'Grady previously presented The Paul O'Grady Show, which was a huge success due to its variety of speciality acts and high-profile celebrity guests. The show featured comic stunts, musical performances, and occasionally viewer competitions. It ran for eight series on Channel 4 and three on ITV. Paul O'Grady Live is similar in format, but more adult-themed.


Series 1

Series 2


Most episodes throughout the show's first series averaged over 3 million viewers. Series one averaged 3.87 million viewers. Series two averaged 3.37 million viewers.