Radomski was an "Old Fighter" of the Nazi Party, and one of the early companions of the eventual RSHAchiefReinhard Heydrich. Radomski served six months in prison in 1932 for political killing. He was considered brutal, even by his fellow SS officers. The SS judge, Sturmbannführer Wehser called him a drunkard "primitive in all his thoughts".
Radomski was the commander of the Syrets concentration camp in Kiev. It was situated at the north-western edge of the city, in the place called Syrets, today a suburb of the city. The Syrets concentration camp was created in spring of 1942. Radomski was relieved of his post in 24 February 1943, after he threatened to shoot his own adjutant while drunk, and was replaced by Lieutenant Karl Fischer. As commander of the Syrets concentration camp he led a terror regime, ordering severe punishments for the smallest infractions, a habit he carried over to his new posting in Greece.
Haidari concentration camp
On November 28, 1943, Radomski was appointed commandant of Haidari concentration camp, near Athens, Greece. The previous German commandant, Sergeant Rudi Trepte, and his two Greek interpreters had been arrested by the Gestapo, for reasons as yet unknown. Under Radomski, the camp inmates were put to labour in two four-hour shifts each day except Sundays. The inmates were divided into groups of 100 men, with a hecatontarch in charge of each. However, the labour was not intended for any productive purposes, but merely to break the prisoners' morale: they were made to dig holes and then refill them, build walls and then break them down. The first execution in the camp was carried out on 7 December, when Radomski personally executed a Greek Jewish reservist lieutenant of the Greek army, the Israeli Levi of Ioannina, in front of the prisoners because he "attempted to escape during his arrest". This execution was to serve not only as a warning to the others, but, according to post-war psychological research, to "put the inmates in constant fear of their lives". In total, in the camp's one year of operations, about 1,800 people were executed, while another 300 died as a result of torture either at Haidari or in the Gestapo headquarters at Merlin street in central Athens. These numbers included 30 women, 104 invalids, and 230 students. After the war track of Radomski was lost until 2005, when the Hamburg prosecutor announced that the Ukrainian authorities, investigating crimes in the concentration camp Syrets, had reported that Radomski had died on 14 March 1945 in the vicinity of Székesfehérvár in Hungary.