The Peabody Community High School is a Special Education Day School in Peabody Massachusetts. CHS serves students in a substantially separate environment for grades 9-12 with the benefits of remaining in a public school system. It was founded in 2001 as part of the Peabody Veterans Memorial High School. In 2012 CHS became a Special Education Day School. CHS is a new alternative to CHS uses Massachusetts approved definitions to help place students in the school. The school offers classes that prepare students to return to Peabody Veterans Memorial High School when possible. Some students transfer into the program after completing the Choices program at the Higgins Middle School when it is the most appropriate environment with the student moving forward. The Community High School is a social emotional program focusing on Social and Emotional Learning to help students integrate into the mainstream classroom in the future. The SEL curriculum uses the Massachusetts Framework Comprehensive health education and as well as CASEL. The academic classroom is led by special education teachers. The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education classifies the Peabody Community High School as an independent, special education public day school within the Peabody Public School District. The school, which is attended by up to 30 students, primarily with social/emotional disabilities, follows the curriculum and graduation requirements of Peabody Veterans Memorial High School. When students graduate from Peabody Community High School, they receive the same diploma as any other graduate from Peabody Veterans Memorial High School. All PVMHS extracurricular activities are available to students attending PCHS, as well as all opportunities pertaining to vocational coursework, college and career planning, and much more. Peabody Community High School Academic Programming 115 Credit High School Diploma Program Required Course of Study 4 Years of English Language Arts 3 Years of History 3 Years of Math 2 Years of Science Physical and Wellness Education In addition students must pass all MCAS Testing Requirements. ELA and Math 220 or above. MCAS Science 220 or above. Additional coursework available within the Community High School, Veterans Memorial High School and the Vocational High School: Business & Electronics Technology Family & Consumer Science Cosmetology Culinary Arts Medical Assisting Early Childhood Education Health & Physical Sciences Performing Arts Social Sciences Visual Arts Numerous Elective Courses Based on Peabody Veterans Memorial High School the classes at CHS are Level 3. Level 3 classes are similar in ranking to College Preparatory 2, which includes most vocational programs. Subjects at this level provide students with a comprehensive approach to course content. Students are expected to demonstrate competence in the subject area. The Community High School also offers Non-Weighted Classes. Each year students in grade 9, 10, 11 or 12 may elect to take one full-year leveled course, or its equivalent, as non-weighted. The selected course may not be required for graduation, nor may they be from any of the five major academic departments. Unleveled/Graded courses are graded but not leveled, these are commonly called Electives. The quarterly grade reflects class work as well as work assigned outside of class as required.