
Pedicularis is a genus of perennial green root parasite plants currently placed in the family Orobanchaceae.

ssp charlestonensis


Between 350 and 600 species are accepted by different authorities, mostly from the wetter northern temperate zones, as well as from South America. The highest diversity is in eastern Asia, with 352 species accepted in China alone.


The common name lousewort, applied to several species, derives from an old belief that these plants, when ingested, were responsible for lice infestations in livestock. The genus name Pedicularis is from the Latin pediculus meaning louse.

Selected species

Bombus polaris has an essential role in the pollination of the large zygomorphic flowers of Pedicularis. B. polaris has a special adaption that allows it to work the spikes of Pedicularis from the bottom towards the top.