Pedreira Paulo Leminski

The Pedreira Paulo Leminski is a 25,000 capacity outdoor concert venue, located in Curitiba, Brazil. It was partly named after Paulo Leminski, a twentieth century Brazilian writer, and because it served as a Municipal Pedreira, an asphalt plant. Located in the neighborhood of Pilarzinho, the site is about 103,500 metres long, its stage is around 480m², and it is surrounded by a wall of rock thirty meters high. It was first opened in 1990.
Located near the quarry is the Wire Opera House, which was opened in 1992 for the first Festival of Theater of Curitiba. Together, the two sites make up the Parque das Quarries.

Events in Pedreira

During the city's three hundredth anniversary celebrations, the Pedreira hosted the tenor José Carreras, who was accompanied by the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra.

Concerts (partial list)