Peesh ili luzhesh

Peesh ili luzhesh is a television mystery music game show broadcast on Nova. It is the Bulgarian version of I Can See Your Voice.


''Season 1'' (2016)

Peesh ili luzhesh commenced its first broadcast on November 3, 2016. The New Year's Eve Concert was held actually on that day, in which all of guest artists and their winners perform one last time. In the penultimate performance, Rosen Belov highlighted an example of a bad singers turned "good", thus it is the only ICSYV franchise to do so.



Nova Broadcasting Group announced the game show's development in August 2016. It was produced by Global Films Limited; while the production staff was commissioned by director Kiril Kirov; joined by writer Vladi Aprilov; and producer Magarditch Halvadjian. Pre-show auditions were took place at the National Palace of Culture in Sofia.



The guest artist must attempt to guess SEE-cret songers who are "good" and "bad" without hearing them sing. SEE-cret songers must partake on every round, at which they can receive help and advice from the SING-vestigators.
After eliminating one to two SEE-cret songers in each round, they would perform using real voice at the stage of truth. The last SEE-cret songer standing will do duet-perform by guest artist.
The winning good singer receives an encore performance while the winning bad singer gets 3,000 leva.


There were eight individuals of SEE-cret songers standing on the platform with its aliases to keep their identities concealed until its initial performance.
;Singer's visual
;Singer's talent
;Singer's lip-sync
;Singer's verdict


;Winners' majority:


;Cast type:
