Pelorus Island

Pelorus Island, also known as North Palm Island, is the northernmost island of the Great Palm Island group. It is located north of Orpheus Island, and covers an area of about.
Prior to the arrival of Europeans, Orpheus Island was inhabited by an Aboriginal people, probably the Nyawigi people. It was known as Yanooa and Guyroogarrie in one or more Aboriginal languages. The island was named after HMS Pelorus, flagship on the Australia Station 1860-62.
In 2017 the Morris family bought Pelorus Island, who own the Northern Escape Collection; Chris Morris being the Computershare mogul.
On behalf of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Constructions Pty Limited designed and constructed a navigation structure and helipad to service the structure.
Pelorus is surrounded by spectacular fringing reefs that can be accessed by snorkelling right off the beach. The island is managed by the Hinchinbrook Shire Council, with its fragile environment protected by both state and federal environmental provisions. Permission from Parks Australia is not needed for camping, but there are no facilities or freshwater on the island, so all provisions need to be taken there.