
Penduko is an upcoming Philippine superhero film based on the re-imagined comic book Pedro Penduko: The Legend Begins by Regene Estolatan that is an original story and concept from Pedro Penduko written and illustrated by Francisco V. Coching. The story is under Epik Studios and the film rights will be distributed by Viva Films. It will be directed by Jason Paul Laxamana, and features Matteo Guidicelli as Pedro Penduko
The film production of Penduko is scheduled to release in 2020.


Peter Harris, a 20–year old wimp that was raised in the U.S, will be embarking a journey in the Philippines after his father passes away due to an unknown incident, to search for his mother, only to stumble upon a mythical curse and evil forces that destroy the town.



In August 10, 2017 during the History Convention Philippines that happened in World Trade Center in Pasay City, Philippines, Reid is chosen to play the role of a teenage Peter Harris, who was raised in the U.S. by his adoptive father.


In a post by Viva Artists Agency in their post via Instagram account in 2017, Reid has started his training with the use of lightsaber as a weapon for the film. On June 1, 2019, Reid withdrew from the role due to a spinal injury. On October 22, 2019, it was officially announced that Guidecelli will replace Reid in portraying the character. Shooting will start in 2020.


has said that the release date of the film will be released in 2020.