Penguin Collectors Society

The Penguin Collectors Society is an educational charity based in the United Kingdom. Its primary purpose is to promote the study and research of all aspects of Penguin Books, the publishing company founded by Allen Lane in 1935.


The PCS was started in 1974 by a small group of enthusiasts in Richmond, southwest London, who recognised the importance of Penguin’s contribution to publishing history, its innovations in book design and typography, and the role that its many thousands of published titles have played in influencing and educating generations of readers. While it is evident that this rich cultural heritage should be preserved for future generations, paperbacks, by their nature, are not hard wearing and many of them eventually get thrown away. The PCS is therefore committed to the acquisition and conservation of Penguin books and related material, which it regularly donates to the Penguin Archive at the University of Bristol.
From an initial membership of 38 in 1974, the PCS now has around 500 members in countries throughout the world. There is no requirement for members to collect Penguin books and reasons for joining cover a wide range of interests. These include, but are by no means limited to:
The PCS is funded by annual subscriptions from its members and by sales of its publications to non-members. Research, writing, book production and all administrative duties are undertaken by trustees and other members on a voluntary basis. The PCS was registered as a limited company in 2001 and became a registered charity the following year. Its members usually meet twice a year, once being for the Annual General Meeting which is held at a different UK venue each year.

PCS publications

The PCS publishes a twice-yearly journal along with other titles in book form, some of which are listed below:
Further details of these and other publications can be found on the PCS website.