Penta case

The Penta case is a criminal case brought against Grupo Penta, a Chilean holding company, and employees of the Chilean National Tax System. Key employees of the firm have been convicted of committing tax fraud by creating fake invoices in the National Tax System. These funds were then directed to the political campaigns of mainly UDI politicians as campaign contributions. Several Penta employees, as some of their family members, have been convicted of tax evasion, bribery, and money laundering. This case is still ongoing.
Update 2 December 2015: The former president of the UDI political party Jovino Novoa is sentenced to 3 years parole for tax crimes.
Here are the defendants from Penta:
Hugo Bravogeneral managerwas charged in March for money laundering, bribery, and tax fraud. He is currently under house arrest
Carlos Alberto Délanodirectorcharged 7 March 2015 with tax fraud and bribery. Was held and then released.
:es:Carlos Eugenio Lavín|Carlos Eugenio LavíndirectorSpent his 73rd birthday in prison.
Oscar Buzetabusiness development managercharged with tax crimes

Here are the defendants from the SII:
Ivan AlvarezauditorOn March 25, 2015 the court found Ivan guilty and in the holding sentenced him to 5 years of imprisonment; fine in the amount of 1,900 million pesos; and confiscation of an apartment and a car
Sergio Diazaccountant4 years imprisonment; 700 million fine; forfeiture of two houses and an apartment.
Juan Carlos Prietoaccountant5 years of probation, 290 million fine
Mitzi Carrascoaccountant5 years of probation, 246 million fine
Hernan Diazaccountantreleased
Francisco Sivicaccountantreleased
Horacio Mayquelaccountantreleased
Orlando Carvajalaccountant5 years of probation, $30 million fine

Here are some of the politicians to whom Penta funneled funds.
Pablo ZalaquettUDI, former mayor of Santiagoreleased from house arrest
Iván Morerirasenator no charges

Others charged:
Pablo Wagnerminining subsecretary under President Piñeraunder house arrest